Useful advice for proper blood sugar control
- Exercise: Muscular exercise is the only time the body takes sugar away out of the blood and into the muscles without insulin; the aerobic exercises like a vigorous 30-minutes walk every day will yield real results. It is important to have regularity in your workout exercises. Fitness is lost if you exercise two or less days per week. Every time you start doing your fitness exercises after a one-week break you start from zero.
- The aerobic exercises have been shown to improve insulin resistance and reduce hypertension (both are important factors in developing sound cardiovascular health).
- Frequent and repeated short exposures to the sun (no more than a few minutes) lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels. Also, it rapidly and significantly lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels. During this therapy it is important to get only early morning and evening sunshine because only at these times is sun therapy beneficial. You should try absolutely to avoid exposure between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Never look directly into the sun because this can damage your eyes. Like every other therapy, in order to get benefits from sun therapy do not overdo it.
- Watch your diet constantly; Diet and exercise (together) works better than only medication (for type II diabetes).
- Try to keep your blood sugar levels even (without ups and downs) and under control. This will help you to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and as well as other health complications. This should become the goal of your diet.
- Splitting one’s normal daily calories into a number of small meals equally spread out through the day is useful tool in the war against elevated blood sugar, and cholesterol levels as well. When the person consumes mini-meals during the day, the blood insulin of that person experiences a significant drop and it takes the total blood cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol) down with it. It is better to eat 5 or 6 small meals (including fruits, vegetables, and snacks) a day instead of having 1 or 2 huge ones. Rare but essential food intakes lead the blood glucose and insulin levels up with meals and down after. Small and often food intakes keep glucose and the resultant insulin levels more even.
- Consume foods with low Glycemic Index. The Glycemic Index ranks carbohydrates based on their rate of glycemic response (e.i. their conversion to glucose within the human body). It (Glycemic Index) uses a scale from 0 – 100, with higher values given to foods that cause the most rapid rise in blood sugar.
- In small doses red wine (maximum one glass daily) reduces elevated insulin, increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin, and thins the blood.
- Try to reduce mealtime stress. Recent studies have found that mealtime stress, besides contributing to weight gain, changes the way your body metabolizes food, causing immediate increase in cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
- Improve your insulin sensitivity: Insulin is the hormone your pancreas produces. It transports the glucose molecules to your cells – and it “unlocks” your cell walls so the glucose can enter. It’s key to the whole energy process. But here is the catch. For the insulin to work properly, the cells in your body need to be sensitive to insulin. This means your cells recognize the insulin, unlock as they should, and let the glucose in.
- Among insulin sensitivity promoters we have: Cinnamon promotes insulin sensitivity. Cellular research indicates that cinnamon contains a polyphenol (plant antioxidant) called “methylhydroxy chalcone polymer,” or MHCP. It helps to activate the insulin receptors on your cells – so the glucose can go in. MHCP increases glucose metabolism up to 20-fold, and us a result boosts the energy level. Vitamin D may help you to increase insulin sensitivity.
- Chromium is essential for normal blood sugar levels. It is required for normal fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Chromium works by helping to increase the number of binding sites on your cells for insulin to enter. Chromium also plays a role in the glucose tolerance factor complex – which is plain English means it enhances insulin sensitivity.
- Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) improves insulin sensitivity (up to 25%) for adult diabetics. The researchers used daily doses from 600 – 1800 mg for 4 weeks. ALA works against insulin resistance by increasing the permeability of cell membranes.
- Regular exercises increases sensitivity to insulin, enabling the pancreas to produce less; and raises your metabolic rate.
- Improve your metabolism: Insulin can suppress the thyroid function, and as a result many diabetics have low metabolism. For more information how to improve your metabolism read Natural Metabolism Boosters by Souren Malkhasian.
- Lose weight; having a large belly and being obese can increase the risk of diabetes. Weight loss reduces the risk of diabetes, which is itself a contributing factor to heart disease. For more information how to reduce weight and by that lower the risk of diabetes and heart disease read The Weight Loss Encyclopedia. 375 All Natural Ways to Lose Weight by Souren Malkhasian.
- For more information on how to control blood sugar read Controlling Your Blood Sugar Naturally by the same author.
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