Food intake guideline for combating diabetes
- Beans are beneficial for diabetes by lowering the blood sugar level. They are helpful for high blood pressure as well.
- Onions help to control blood sugar levels. They are helpful in lowering high blood pressure. Also, onions can raise blood levels of HDL (good cholesterol). This in its turn cleans the arteries of LDL (bad cholesterol). The LDL can clog the arteries by choking off the flow of blood through the heart, and thus contribute to heart attacks.
- Soybeans regulate blood sugar, and are beneficial for diabetes.
- Pumpkin juice is useful for blood sugar imbalances. Also, it is good against elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
- Apples normalize blood sugar, and help reduce cholesterol levels (especially LDL).
- Parsnip stabilizes blood sugar levels. Parsnip lowers the risk of heart disease, and decreases the risk of stroke.
- Peanuts regulate blood sugar levels. Also, they are able to reduce LDL and triglycerides levels. In fact peanuts and peanuts butter contains phytosterols that lowers risk of cardiovascular disease by interfering with cholesterol absorption from intestines.
- Peas help to control blood sugar and may lower blood pressure. Also, peas are helpful to reduce overall blood cholesterol.
- Eggplant lowers blood sugar levels. Also, it lowers blood cholesterol levels. By reducing cholesterol, and regulating blood pressure and heart function eggplant actually helps to prevent heart attack and stroke. In addition, it is helpful for arteriosclerosis. The best way to consume eggplant is BBQ or baked.
- Bulgur has ability release sugar (that it contains) relatively slowly into the bloodstream, which helps keep blood sugar levels stable. Also, bulgur lowers blood sugar levels. These are important for people with diabetes. Actually bulgur reduces the risk of obtaining diabetes. In addition, it reduces blood cholesterol levels, and normalizes high blood pressure. These may all play a role in reducing the risk of heart attacks, and strokes.
- Buckwheat has the ability to control blood sugar levels. The carbohydrates in buckwheat are digested more slowly than other types of carbohydrates, which cause the blood sugar to rise more evenly. This is useful for people with type II diabetes. Buckwheat is absorbed more slowly than other grains. That is why it leaves you feeling full longer. Also, buckwheat is a good cholesterol-lowering food. Buckwheat contains a substance (rutin) that makes this grain a very important part in any heart-protection diet plan. Rutin in buckwheat helps prevent platelets – the components in blood that assist in clotting – from clumping together. In addition, rutin in buckwheat shrinks particles of dangerous LDL (bad cholesterol) and makes them less likely to stick to artery walls. Meanwhile the HDL (good cholesterol) remains high. Rutin may help lower high blood pressure.
- Oatmeal and oat bran are regulating blood sugar levels. They are helpful for diabetics (especially non-insulin-dependent). Also, oatmeal and oat bran are useful for lowering total cholesterol levels. They raise HDL (good cholesterol) and lower LDL (bad cholesterol), thus improving this important ratio between good and bad cholesterols.
- Capsicum or cayenne pepper reduces blood sugar levels. Also, it improves the ratio of HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL (bad cholesterol). Cayenne pepper lowers triglyceride levels and is useful for arteriosclerosis. Also, it increases circulation, reduces the risk of the internal blood clots, lowers blood pressure, and is useful for weight loss.
- Curry controls the blood sugar level, and is helpful for diabetics. It has the ability to lower cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of blood clots. Besides that, curry actually helps to protect against strokes and heart attacks.
- Consuming ½ teaspoon of cinnamon each day may reduce blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides levels by as much as 20% in Type 2 diabetes patients.
- Guava juice has been shown to lower blood sugar levels significantly.
- Insulin-dependent diabetics can help to regulate the insulin dose by taking 2 tablespoons of bitter melon juice with 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder, 15 minutes before each meal.
- The following recipe is helpful for blood sugar control. It will help to regulate blood sugar in diabetics. For that take 1/2 teaspoon of ground bay leaf, 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder, and 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel. Take this mixture twice daily before lunch and dinner, until the blood sugar level returns to normal.
- String bean juice contains elements that assist the pancreas to produce insulin, and lead to better blood sugar control. That is why it is particularly benefits to diabetics. Fresh squeezed string bean juice resuscitates the pancreas, spleen and liver better than anything else.
- Fig leaf tea support proper insulin response, and very helpful for diabetics.
- Green tea helps to control blood sugar and blood pressure levels. Also, green tea helps to control and lowers cholesterol levels. Green tea stops the platelets from forming deadly clots and fights free radicals that encourage arterial buildup. It raises HDL (good cholesterol) levels.
- Huckleberry leaves tea has been known to cure diabetes by itself. Take 1 cup 3 times daily.
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