Healing Powers
All Nature's Ways Don't wait! Contact us today!


Besides working directly on ailments through below-mentioned therapies we do also the following:

  • Create custom-made diet plan for each individual; through that plan the person will know exactly what type of foods are highly beneficial for their body, what kind of foods are OK for them (they are not highly beneficial, but you still can consume them), and finally what kind of foods act in the system as a poison and you have to avoid them
  • Detoxify the body’s all systems (it will include large intestine cleansing, small intestine cleansing, liver cleansing, kidney cleansing, blood cleansing, lymph cleansing, joint cleansing, heavy metals cleansing, parasite cleansing, blood vessels cleansing, and eventually cellular cleansing);
  • Improve immune system; these are the corner stones of health; without correcting all these areas our body cannot function highly effective

Also, we views health as a question of balance; a variety of circumstances (such as for example diet, sleeping patterns, lifestyle, emotional and mental conditions) can disturb this natural balance, which gives rise to different kinds of health conditions and disorders; in order to successfully achieve above-mentioned we use the following therapies:

Acupressure therapy – employs mostly magnet therapy applications, phototherapy applications, special wooden tools, MIT and Electronic Pulse Stimulator to stimulate acupoints

Anti-biotic therapy – employs colloidal silver, propolis, grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, and others

Aromatherapy – employs essential oils for treating wide range of health conditions and disorders; it uses various methods of applications

Ayurveda – is one of the most ancient healing systems; the word Ayurveda is a Sanscrit term meaning “science of life;” a basic principle of healing in Ayurveda holds that one may create balance in the internal forces working in the individual by altering diet and habits of living to counteract changes in his external environment; the internal environment of the body is constantly reacting to the external environment; disorder occurs when these two are out of balance

Bach Flowers Remedies – employs extreme dilutions of wild flower materials; they gently restore balance between mind and body; they are used to correct emotional imbalances where the negative emotions (such as for example fear, worry or hatred) are replace with positive

B.E.S.T. (Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique) – helps control acid-alkaline balance in the body fluids; also it helps to determine alkaline-forming mineral reserves in the body

Bioptron Light Therapy – is a light therapy device with a special designed optical unit emitting light that is similar to a part of the electromagnetic spectrum produced naturally by the sun, but without UV radiation.

Blood Purification therapy – employs different blood cleansing methods, such as for example 21-days blood cleansing;

Bran therapy – employs different type bran; besides being beneficial for many health conditions it is useful for gastro-intestinal, cardio-vascular and endocrine systems

Castor oil packs – used to improve assimilation, elimination and circulation, especially of the lymphatic system, and has anti-inflammatory affect; this therapy is good for disturbances of the digestive system including stomach, intestinal or colon problems; kidney, liver or gall bladder problems; disturbances of lymphatic system; urinary and excretory systems; circulatory system; and some aspects of the nervous system; it relieves the congestion in the entire gastrointestinal area

Chelation therapy – it is used to improve blood circulation; it is a useful treatment for blood vessel diseases because it increases blood flow and helps to remove plaque build up in the arteries; it helps relieve symptoms of memory loss by increasing circulation to the brain; also, it helps to get rid of heavy metals, and increases elasticity and flexibility of blood vessels, helps to thin the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots; it improves uptake of oxygen by the cells, and as a result it increases energy, activity, and work capacity levels

Clay therapy – employs different types of clay via different applications; used for wide variety disorders and health conditions

Clinical Nutrition – employs recommendations for dietary improvements and nutritional supplements (like for example garlic in capsules, fish oil, etc) are made with an emphasis on the relationship between nutrition and health.

Color therapy – employs different colors and light frequencies; used for wide variety disorders and health conditions

Cupping therapy – employ special suction cups; this therapy is used for variety of health conditions (such as asthma, bronchitis, cough, muscle spasms, abdominal pains, poor circulation, and others)

Detoxification therapy – employs cleansing of different organs and systems, joints, entire body, master cleanse, and then eventually cleansing of every single cells of the body

Enzymatic therapy – employs beneficial properties of enzymes, Co-Q10, IP-6, DHEA, and other supplements

Fasting – employs juice fasting or straight fasting

Food therapy – uses specific foods (in some cases they are used in special ways) in each particular case, and called kitchen-remedies;

Glandular therapy – use the concentrated forms of various raw animal glands that can improve the health of specific glands

Glyconutrient therapy – employs plant sugars linked in chains; they are helpful in establishing effective cell-to-cell communication; it is used for wide range of health conditions and disorders

Heliotherapy – employs the therapeutic use of sunlight; beside vitamin D deficiency it is used to counteract depression, improve brain function, immunity, life force and other health conditions

Herbal therapy – from ancient times, herbs have played a vital role in the healing traditions of many cultures; the use of herbs and medicinal plants were the first medicines and their use is considered as a universal phenomenon; every culture on earth (through written or oral tradition) has realized the vast variety of natural healing, therapeutic properties found in selected plants for the benefits of all of mankind; In All Nature Ways we use all 4 main branches of herbology: Western, Rain Forest, Ayurvedic and Chinese

Homeopathic Cell Salt Therapy – employs homeopathic cell salts; it is used for treating wide range of health conditions and disorders

Homeopathic Imprinter and Potentizer therapy – is used to stimulate the body’s bio-energetic communication network, and the body’s restorative systems respond; it is able to create a powerful homeopathic remedy from patient’s body itself; used for wide variety disorders and health conditions

Homeopathy – employs the idea that like cures like; it is used for treating wide range of health conditions and disorders

Hydrogen peroxide – used for variety of health conditions ranging from bacterial infections to wart and even cancer

Immunotherapy – use different methods and substances to stimulate immune response; it is used for both (prevention and treatment) of serious health conditions

Juice therapy – fresh squeezed juices (from fruits and vegetables) have sometimes some different healing properties than the fruits and vegetables themselves; when we drink (the juice) it is digested and assimilated different way in comparison when we just eat the same fruits and vegetables, and consequently provides different benefits

Korean Hand Therapy – employs acupoints on the hands; used for wide variety disorders and health conditions

Kuznetsov applications therapy – employs acupoints on the body; used for wide variety disorders and health conditions

Lifestyle Coaching – lifestyle modification techniques are explored to enhance wellness by addressing factors affecting one’s health (sleeping habits, timing for eating, evening observation and others)

Macrobiotic therapy – employs specific methods of food preparations to bring the balance “yin” and “yang” elements; used to counteract and improve many health conditions

Magnetic therapy – employs different types of magnets via different applications; used for wide variety disorders and health conditions

Massage therapy – is used as dry brush massage with vinegar, detox-beating therapy and as an aromatherapy massage

Meditation – is the inevitable result of the process of evolution; it is used to calm and purify the emotional and mental natures; it is source of joy, courage and self-confidence

Metal Therapy – employs different metals; it is used for variety disorders and health conditions

Metabolic therapy – employs treating the entire person, not just the health condition or sickness; in this therapy the patient is deeply involved in his own treatment;

MIT (Mineral Infrared Therapy) – it employs electromagnetic waves within a certain range of the spectrum by translating the energy of the heating element; it is used to promote metabolism, regulate physiological deficiencies, diminish and heal inflammations and relieve pains

Mineral therapy – it employs different minerals (first through food sources and then via supplementation) to compensate deficiencies; different mineral deficiencies lead to different health conditions; it is used for variety disorders and health conditions

Music Therapy – employs different classic music to balance the human energy field; used for variety of health conditions (such as anxiety, blood flow, brain function, depression, irritability, joint pain, and many others)

Naturopathy – employs the healing power of natural agents (such as for example air, water, herbs and others); it avoids drugs and surgeries; it is used for wide variety disorders and health conditions

Netterumani therapy – employs specially designed detox foot patch; it detoxify the wastes which are not completely discharged

Oil Therapy – used for variety disorders and health conditions (such as for example chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers diseases, heart problems, lung and liver diseases, toothaches etc.); also, it helps to detoxify the body, it actually eliminate all type of ballast and toxins from the systems

Orthomolecular Therapy – uses amino acids to treat and prevent many health conditions and illnesses

Oxygen Therapy – used to increase oxygen saturation on cellular levels

Parasite Cleansing – used to get rid of parasites, and improve overall health

Phototherapy – it employs single frequency or wavelength of light; it is used for variety disorders and health conditions such as pain relief, ulcers, accelerated wound healing, insect stings & bites, sprains & pulled muscles, reduced swelling, sinus relief, headaches, arthritis, asthma, burns, herpes, and many other

Phycho-correction therapy – uses the power of word; the main idea is energy follow the thoughts (we use experience and methods of Luiza Hey, Torgom Saraydarian, Sitin, and Norbekov)

Physical Medicine – a wide range of techniques and corrective body exercise that can promote healing and maintain good health (for example relaxation exercise, strengthening valve to stomach exercise, and others).

Pro-biotic therapy – (acidophilus, anti-candida supplements and other similar pro-biotic products)

Reflexology – employs pressure-point massage on the feet and hands; it is used for many health conditions

Sprouting therapy – used to unleash hidden reserves of the seeds to overcome nutritional deficiencies and improve health

Swedish Bitter Therapy – employs an herbal formula was created in Europe about 500 years ago; it is used for variety of health conditions and disorders

Thought Field Therapy – is a system that accesses and resolves the essence and root cause of problem (whether it is phobia, anger, a bad habit, trauma, anxiety, guilt, or grief);

Tibetan Medicine – views health as a question of balance; a variety of circumstances such as diet, lifestyle, seasonal, emotional and mental conditions can disturb this natural balance, which gives rise to different kinds of health conditions and disorders; used for many different disorders and illnesses

Traditional Chinese Medicine – is one of the ancient healing systems; it is used to counteract and treat many health conditions and disorders

Urinotherapy – employs different types of applications with urine (straight and as a homeopathic remedy); it is used for wide variety disorders and health conditions

Vinegar therapy – is used for variety of health conditions and disorders

Vitamin therapy – it employs different vitamins (first through food sources and then via supplementation) to compensate deficiencies; different vitamin deficiencies lead to different health conditions; it is used for variety disorders and health conditions

Water therapy – employs structured water, alkalized water, super water and magnetized water to counteract many disorders, and improve different health conditions

Zalmanov’s Bathes – employs specifically prepared liquid solutions; used to counteract many disorders, and improve different health conditions

Zapper therapy – is used to kill viruses, fungi, and other pathogenic microorganisms

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