

+1 (323) 860-9060


There are many therapies (52 modalities) that are used in All Nature’s Ways nutritional-consulting center. Beneath are presented some of the most important therapies used in All Nature’s Ways.

Acupressure – is the treatment that apply pressure (or other applications, such as for example electric impulses with Electronic Pulse Stimulator) on certain areas of person’s body; this therapy is useful in relieving pain, and many different ailments, health conditions and issues.

Aromatherapy – is the therapeutic use of essential oils (from plant), and plant extracts for the improvement and treatment of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being; it is an alternative medical system; from the ancient times many ancient civilizations (such as Chinese, Egyptians, Greeks, Indians, and Romans) were using essential oils for therapeutic, hygienic, and spiritual purposes.

Ayurveda – is a Sanskrit term meaning “science of life.” Ayurveda is a natural system of medicine originated in India about 4 – 5 000 years ago.

Ayurveda aims to enable each individual to bring his/her body into a perfect harmonious relationship with Cosmic Consciousness. Throughout life there is a ceaseless interaction between the internal and external environment. The external environment comprises the cosmic forces (macrocosm) while the internal forces (microcosm) are governed by the principles of Vata-Pitta-Kapha.

A basic principle of healing in Ayurveda holds that one may create balance in the internal forces working in the individual by altering diet and habits of living to counteract changes in his external environment.

Ayurveda speaks to every element and facet of human life, offering guidance that has been tested and refined over many centuries to all those who seek greater harmony, peace and longevity.

B.E.S.T. (Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique or Therapy) helps control acid-alkaline balance in the body fluids;

Most people in our modern society are suffering from ACID OVERLOAD. 95% of all food sold in supermarkets is acid-forming food. Meats, eggs, bread, cheese, coffee, chocolate, sugar, rice, milk, cereal, cheese, cookies, crackers and many other common foods (you name them) are ALL ACID in nature. All that food we crave is acid-forming and over-acidification of body fluids and tissues is linked to EVERY KNOWN DISEASE including that dragged-out daily fatigue most of us complain about and the endless list of digestive disorders.

All soft drinks are hard killers. Sugar grabs oxygen with highest priority. They (soft drinks) are highly acid with an average pH of 2.5; besides the acid-forming food, all drugs accumulate as acid waste in the body.

Putting alkalinity back into your body helps neutralize the daily acid production and helps your body to feel better, recover quicker, reduce cravings, function in good health, and become energized.

NO illness can be cured without flushing excess acid waste from your body. Virtually all sicknesses and health problems are linked to excess acid in your body.


Detoxification therapies are help to keep our body clean; without clean tissues, organs and systems our body cannot operate properly; so, detoxification therapies are one of the cornerstones of health and well-being.

Detoxification therapies incorporate cleansing, detoxification and purification of different organs and systems; in general these therapies include large intestine cleansing, small intestine cleansing, liver cleansing, kidney cleansing, joints cleansing, parasite cleansing, mucus cleansing, blood cleansing, lymph cleansing, heavy metal detoxification, blood vessels cleansing, air passages cleansing, and cellular level detoxification.

These are all separate therapies; they are all safe and harmless if you do it right way following instructions.


Enzymatic therapy; this therapy is very important to overcome many health issues and to maintain achieved results; actually enzymes are missing link between food and health.

All cellular activity is initiated by enzymes. Life could not exist without them.


Herbal therapy – from ancient times, herbs have played a vital role in the healing traditions of many cultures; the use of herbs and medicinal plants were the first medicines and their use is considered as a universal phenomenon; every culture on earth (through written or oral tradition) has realized the vast variety of natural healing applications, therapeutic properties found in selected plants for the benefits of all of mankind;

There are 4 major herbology schools in the world. All Nature’s Ways use herbs from all four major herbology schools (Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Rainforest herbs, and Western herbs).


Homeopathy – is an alternative medical system based on the belief that the body can cure itself. It uses tiny amounts of natural substances (like plants, minerals or other substances) to prepare homeopathic remedy. Actually, in homeopathy you can prepare homeopathic remedy literally from anything.

          Through the special method of preparation it is possible to obtain homeopathic remedy that will contain no single molecule from the “mother substances” and that remedy will have stronger healing properties than the original mother substances.

          There are more than 8 000 homeopathic remedies available over the counter.

          One of the major laws of homeopathy is based on the theory of treating “like with like” or law of similars.

          Homeopathic remedies are safe, effective and don’t cause any side effects.


Homeopathic Cell Salt Therapy; Homeopathic Cell Salts are a group of homeopathic remedies made from minerals; the name of this therapy consists of 2 words: Cell – meaning used on the cellular level and Salts – meaning mineral or minerals salts.

Cell Salts exist in every human body. They are the inorganic biochemical elements found in the blood and tissues. They are the builders and catalysts for many essential processes, including assimilation and detoxification.  

While homeopathy uses approximately 8 000 remedies Homeopathic Cell Salt Therapy uses only 12 remedies, which makes it much easier to find appropriate remedy for each particular case.

Homeopathic Cell Salts made as a low potency homeopathic remedy.

Homeopathic Cell Salts remedies are safe, effective and don’t cause any side effects.   


Orthomolecular Therapy – uses amino acids to treat and prevent illnesses; amino acids are the basic building blocks of protein – and of life; there are eight amino acids that cannot be produced by the body but must obtain from food.

Life without protein is not possible; apart from water, the most profuse substance in the body is the amino acid group. Those amino acids already present, by virtue of being synthesized in the body, are known as NON-Essential Amino Acids, and the others (indicated above), which must be derived from the diet, as Essential Amino Acids (EAA); research into amino acids has increased dramatically in resent years as their extraordinary healing potential begins to be recognized; amino acids can normalize biochemical imbalances and thus facilitate healing.

Total protein requirements will vary with age, sex, body-type, occupation, stress level, exercise pattern etc. Protein is required for the formation and maintenance of blood, muscle, skin and bone as well as the constituent of blood such as antibodies, red and white blood cells etc. Hormones, enzymes, and nucleoproteins are all dependent upon protein.

So, as it mentioned-above many health conditions are caused by certain Amino Acids deficiencies. For example, anemia is could be the sign of Histidine, Lysine, and Methionine amino acid deficiencies.

In addition, many health problems can be prevented and/or treated by certain Amino Acids. Thus Amino Acids therapy is very important for our health improvement and maintenance.


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) – is one of the oldest branches of alternative medicine (TCM is about 4 – 5 thousand years old); its basic concept is that a vital force of life (CHI energy) surges through the body; any imbalances of CHI energy can cause disease and illness; so, TCM through different ways and means bring this balance back.

          Traditional Chinese Medicine is like in case with Ayurveda has been tested and refined over many centuries; TCM is very useful tool for all those who seek greater harmony, inner peace, longevity, and overall well-being.